Thứ Hai, 28 tháng 6, 2010

11 phong cách thiết kế ảnh nền khác lạ

11 phong cách thiết kế ảnh nền khác lạ
11 Seriously Surreal Wallpaper Designs

There are some who love to clear their monitor and see pictures of flowers, bunnies and beautiful landscapes. Others prefer the abstract and fantastic to set them at ease. Here are 11 surreal wallpapers that will get the imagination flowing.

1. Phoenix


This Nick La picture draws people with its vivid reds and purples. A phoenix rests in its majestic glory as rainbows and the rest of the universe bubble around it. Especially striking are the roses.

2. Ladybug


Abstract shapes and wire butterflies support this too-shiny ladybug with a yellow flower. The picture itself flows in its surreal nature from the dark to the foggy light.

3. Blue Moon


The natural quarter moon shines unadorned in the distance, looking down upon the earth with its sad light. The earth herself has become a tangle of roadways and commerce, with structures large enough to be seen from space.

4. Cave Chaos


This image could be depicting the inside of blood vessels. It could also be an interstitial map. You could even say that it is comprised of rows and rows of alien eggs. One doesn’t know for sure, but it certainly is compelling.

5. Dante Horses

dante horses

Skeletal horses lead a carriage of blithe people along a pathway of smoke near the rivers of the damned on the way to eternity. Swirls of smoke are everywhere, but the horses can find their way with glowing eyes.

6. Ancient Oak

Ancient Oak

Decorated in blues and greens, this image conjures up fantasies of walking around in a Tolkien novel. In the foreground, a tree reaches to the sky amid a field of blues and greens.

7. Fantasy Bird


A fantasy bird evolves from the size of a tiny marble to a large bird. This is an infinite process, with each step depicted in the form of an egg.

8. Celestial Exploring

Celestial Exploring

Oddly shaped buildings beckon in the background as a young girl releases flower petals into the wind. The petals rise into the sky, greeted by the stars.

9. Alien Shore Mask

Alien Shore Mask

A large alien mask has fallen out of the sky to land on a deserted shoreline. It could be a masquerade mask, drawing questions about its origins to the fore.

10. Dehydration or Global Warming Solution

Dehydration or Global Warming Solution

When all the water is gone, what will be left? Will there be small factories cast about the sand, still belching smoke into the sky? Large wheeled ships roam the desert searching for that answer.

11. Picture 64747

picture 64747

A black and white picture, this depicts a person smoking a pipe. The inside of the man’s head is shown, reminiscent of medical manuals. There are events swirling around, but the primary thing upon this smoking person’s mind is childhood.

This is just a small representation of the wallpaper possibilities that you can put on your desktop. These surreal wallpapers are great for spurring on the imagination.


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